There have been a lot of articles and headlines coming out recently saying that inventory is up, the real estate market is cooling down, and a crash may be coming as well. There are many articles that are saying sales are down as well and insinuating that prices are down too, even though they are not.
I am a real estate agent and investor in Northern Colorado and I have access to my MLS stats to show if inventory is increasing, and if so, by how much. Many people will say I am biased because I am an agent, but I made a lot of money in the last crash from selling foreclosures for banks and it was so much easier to buy properties back then. I am not wishing for a crash, nor am I wishing for a crazy real estate market as we have had.
I think a normal real estate market would be better for everyone. Instead of trying to bring my wishes to fruition, I like to look at the facts and see what may or may not happen.
The post Is Real Estate Inventory Increasing Significantly? originally appeared at InvestFourMore.