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Secrets To Investing In Single or Multi-Family Rentals

multi-family rentals

multi-family rentalsFriends,

When you look at the field of rental properties, what type of rentals do have an interest in? Do you rent out single-family rentals or multi-family rentals?

What’s the difference you might ask?

In a nutshell, single-family rentals are less expensive, have great resale opportunities, and the demand for them continue to grow. Single-family rentals are the fastest growing segment of the housing market and have no signs of slowing down.

Multi-family homes provide a higher monthly cash flow, can sometimes be easier to finance, and can scale mortgages faster. By buying multi-family rentals, you can increase your portfolio in a single stroke.

You can buy multiple units all at the same time.

Want a better breakdown of the pros and cons?  Read this article on benefits of single or multi-family rentals!

Good Investing,
